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Tools and Documents on MPF investment

Key Scheme Information Document and MPF Scheme Brochure
They provide interested prospects and scheme members with key information and detailed information about the scheme respectively.

The Key Scheme Information Document uses plain language, charts and tables to present and disclose key information (e.g. fund choice, fees, contribution, transfer, withdrawal) of an MPF scheme in a standardized format. Access to other documents containing detailed information of an MPF scheme (e.g. the MPF Scheme Brochure) is provided by web link or QR code.

Information in an MPF Scheme Brochure includes:
  • Names of operators (i.e. trustee, custodian, investment manager, auditors or other service providers)
  • Contributions, withdrawals and switching procedures
  • Investment policies and objectives of each constituent funds
  • Valuation of funds
  • Guarantee features (if any)
  • Fees and charges
  • Risk factors affecting fund performance
You can obtain the Key Scheme Information Document and MPF Scheme Brochure from your trustee or download it here. Most of the trustees also upload these documents to the company website.
Image Know More When choosing an MPF scheme and fund(s), you should read the Key Scheme Information Document and MPF Scheme Brochure in detail to understand whether the scheme and relevant fund(s) match your needs and risk tolerance level.

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Fund Fact Sheet
Like a resume of funds, listing the basic information of each fund.

Information including:
  • Fund size (net asset value)
  • Fund performance
  • Launch Date
  • Performance benchmark (if any)
  • Fund descriptor
  • Fund Expense Ratio
  • Investment policies and objectives of each constituent fund
  • Fund Risk Indicator
  • Risk Class
  • Summary of portfolio allocation and top 10 portfolio holdings
  • Commentary on fund performance
Please refer to the Fund Fact Sheet leaflet for more information.
Image Know More When choosing MPF funds or reviewing your current fund choices, you should read the Fund Fact Sheet carefully to understand the features and risk level of each fund to ensure that the fund you choose suits your needs.

When will I receive the Fund Fact Sheets?

Trustees are required by the legislation to issue at least two Fund Fact Sheets to their members for each financial year* of a scheme. One of these Fund Fact Sheets must be provided together with the Annual Benefit Statement (i.e. within three months after the end of each financial period of the scheme). The other must be distributed within the 7th and 8th month after the end of the financial period of the scheme.

You may also request Fund Fact Sheets from your trustee or download them here.

*Different schemes may have different financial periods, ending on different dates. For information regarding the financial period end dates of individual schemes, you can refer to the “Registered MPF Schemes and Constituent Funds and Repository of Scheme Documents” on the MPFA website, or contact your trustee.

Annual Benefit Statement
Like the “report card” of your MPF investment, showing information about the contributions and investments of your MPF account during the past year.

Information including:
  • Income and expenditure of your account (including contributions, transfers and transactions)
  • Account balances, benefits accrued and the extent to which they are vested
  • The gains and losses associated with your account
Please refer to the Annual Benefit Statement leaflet for more information.

When will I receive the Annual Benefit Statement?

Your trustee will issue at least one Annual Benefit Statement to you every year. The legislation requires that the Annual Benefit Statement be issued within three months after the end of the financial period* of a scheme.

*Different schemes may have different financial periods, ending on different dates. For information regarding the financial period end dates of individual schemes, you can refer to the “Registered MPF Schemes and Constituent Funds and Repository of Scheme Documents” on the MPFA website, or contact your trustee.
Image Know More When you receive your Annual Benefit Statement, not only should you check to make sure the details are correct, but you should also review your MPF investment and consider whether you need to adjust your fund choices according to the changes in your personal circumstances.

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MPF Fund Platform
Embedded on the MPFA website, it provides fund information of all schemes under one roof for members’ easy reference and comparison.

The platform provides detailed fund information, including fund performance, fees, risk level, fund size, etc. Detailed breakdown of management fee is also provided.

The platform has three interactive sections: (1) My Choice, (2) Performance Chart and (3) Fund Information Table. Scheme members can choose to present the information in a table or chart format.

The platform also provides the link to the repository of scheme documents which include MPF Scheme Brochures, fund fact sheets and annual consolidated report for members’ easy reference.

MPF Fund Platform

Mobile App (Free Download)
(Available in Chinese only)
QR code
QR code

Trustee Service Comparative Platform
Embedded on the MPFA website, it lists out the services provided by various MPF schemes offered by trustees to help you choose a scheme that suits your needs.

Information including:
  • Fund choices:

    The types and number of funds available under the different MPF schemes run by various trustees
  • Account administration:

    Services which can help you manage your MPF accounts, such as methods and processing time required to change your investment allocation, the processing time required for transferring and withdrawing MPF benefits, etc.
  • Customer services:

    Examples include services available online, an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), channels available for making enquires, etc.
Trustee Service Comparative Platform
Image Know More When selecting MPF trustees and schemes, in addition to the range and quality of trustees’ services, you should consider the number of choices and suitability of funds, as well as fees and charges.

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